Thursday, June 22, 2006

I had my computer up and running last night, but that was yesterday and yesterday gone. I got up this morning to answer some e mails and go read some blogs and I could not sign on. Last night I had reinstalled Windows and installed some updates from MSN and most everything was good. It would still kick me off line when I clicked on an embedded link. I really don’t want to spend the money for a new computer. My oldest son builds computers for a hobby, and told me that he could build a screaming machine for about $500 plus the cost of the software. For what I do with a computer a screaming box is not necessary. A little e mail, a little blogging, and sell a little something on e bay. How much computer do I need? People buy way more technology then they need, they waste money on too many gadgets that are not necessary. Take for example microwave ovens, how many people use them for more then warming up leftovers or popping popcorn? But they get the one with delayed start, meat probes, auto defrost, price driving buttons. The same with washing machines, the washer and dryer I have must have twenty different settings and I don’t think we use more then two. I digress, I don’t need a super fast machine, I don’t need a bigger hard drive, All I need is to get on line when I want and blog a little. Maybe look up some stuff on line.

1 comment:

BobG said...

From my time as a computer technician, I found that 99% of all problems with internet connections were NOT hardware related; it is almost always software and/or settings.