Saturday, August 04, 2007

I feel the need to get away and get in touch with my masculine side. I need a fishing and/or hunting trip. This weekend is out of the question I am recovering from my knee being scoped. It is sore and stiff but I am sure that it is getting better. Stairs are kicking my butt right now, so I avoid them as much as I can. It is little hard to when you live in a two story house with a basement. We have the carpet cleaning guy coming this morning, so I have vacuumed the living room and I mopped the kitchen. See what I mean I need to get in touch with my masculine side. I did have hunting and fishing shows on the TV while I was doing house work so it is not as bad as it seems.

My buddy Nate called to check on me last night. I do appreciate that. He was on his way to the minor league baseball game. I have thought about taking the bride to some of the games. But I don’t want to sit in the sun with the temperatures hitting 100 degrees. It has been cooling off a little so I may rethink about going. Could be a good diversion from the day to day goings on.


Nate said...

Next weekend we'll go burn some gunpowder and chase some jacks if your knee will tolerate it. Or we'll take a lawn chair and go plinking from stationary position if you can't walk too much.

Kenny said...

Sounds like fun