Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My daughter called at 5:30 this morning. Of course there was panic when I saw her name on caller ID. Nobody calls that early unless there is trouble. Her first word where “there is nothing wrong”, she was dropping her husband off at work and she want to come by to borrow my chain saw. She was taking down a few trees in her yard. She was at the house by 5:45 and I gave her a quick lesson on how to run the chain saw. This is a 20” gas powered tree killing machine. She had never used one before. She said she was good to go. All was good with the world. The bride and I headed off work.

About 8:15 I get a text message from my baby girl. “STUPID CHAIN SAW”, I had a very short meeting at 9:00 so I told her I would stop by as soon as I was done. I used the saw just a month ago and it had run just fine. So I thinking this is no big deal and I head down the road. I call my boss and tell her that I have taken off and will settle up with my leave when I get back.

I make a call to let the girl know that I am on my way and she asked if I could back into the driveway so I could take a load of limbs and stuff to the green dump in town. I am a dad and she is daddy’s little girl so I say no big deal. I try the chain saw and nothing it will not run. I have a spare sparkplug in the carrying case and I swap it out with the old one. It runs like a champ. Jill shows me what she is up to and this is no job for one person. I have my gym clothes in the truck and I change shirts and I am taking down trees. The trees have grown up and into over head lines. Not power but cable and phone lines. The chain on my saw is a little dull (like the operator) but is cutting fairly well. I cut the tree to fall away from the line but next to her garage. There is about two feet clearance between the garage and the tree with the line on the other side. The tree comes down hit the garage and my head. I figure my head broke the fall and save the garage. Not harm no foul. We cut off the branches and cut the tree into bite size chunks. I move on the next tree and this one is a little trickier. Then chain on the saw has given up the ghost, will not cut anymore. I need a break any way so I send the girl off to Home depot to fine a new chain or an electric chain saw. They are not very expense and I figure I could use one around the house. One or the other would do the job. She is gone and I get to spend time with my granddaughter Ava. This is a treat and I love to watch her. Jill comes back with both a new chain and an electric chain saw. There is no stopping us now. The second tree comes down without much of a problem. It hangs up in the lines just for a few seconds and then it comes tumbling down. Lines are intact and we get to cut this tree up into little pieces. This stopping by to help out turned into an all day project but I had a great time doing it. I take one more trip to the green dump and I am off. Jill and her husband can finish up the job. I left both chainsaws over at their place. I will admit that I hurt in places I forgot I had. But I feel good about it.

All in all it was a good day. When I was sitting out side watching Ava I figured this is what it is going to like when I retire. I have 196 days until I am eligible. I won’t go then but I can and that has to be a good feeling.


BobG said...

Reading all that made me tired; I better get another cup of coffee and go lay down.

Kenny said...

I know what you mean, I can watch work all day with out getting to tired. But doing it just about kicked my butt