Monday, November 20, 2006

The left wants to reinstate the draft. Rangel of the far leaning left has this wonderful idea that if we have a draft we won’t be so likely to go to war. I am trying to wrap my brain around that one. Making kids join the military will stop Muslims from attacking us. I am going to have to work on this.

I don’t believe that we should have gone in to Iraq until Afghanistan was taken care of. North Korea has done more to provoke us then Iraq did. Iraq only made folks think they had Weapon of Mass destruction and North Korea has tested them. That being said, it is a good thing that Saddam Hussein is out of power. He is a monster and he was brutal to the people of Iraq. But it may have been better to wait for a while.

Sen. McCain has said that we need more troops in Iraq. More troops against an invisible insurgency in a gorilla type warfare. Does any of this sound familiar? It looks like we will be neck deep in a war that we are not allowed to win. Tens of thousands of young Americans will die until we leave with honor. We will lick our wounds and in 30 years time we will have a president go for a visit to set up free trade. During all this we will have the Islamic hard liners trying to destroy us. Again does any of this sound familiar?

Please don’t let any of this sound like I am anti military. I am not. I fully support the men and women of the military. They keep us free. They are the bravest in the world and deserver our respect and support. I believe we should pull back from many places in the world and take care of our own.

1 comment:

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I agree. I think we made a horrendous mistake in Iraq, that killed a lot of wonderful young people on both sides, unnecessarily. The nation has been destroyed. Now what do we do? Stay? Leave? Neither alternative is good.