Saturday, November 11, 2006

I woke up at 2:30 this morning. I have not been able to get back to sleep so I decided to get up and do some stuff around the house. We have a self cleaning oven and I figured it would be a good time to clean the oven. Nothing is better than a clean oven with Thanksgiving just around the corner. I push the button and I get an error message. I push the button again and I get the same error message. I pull the stove out to unplug it. I know this will fix it, kind of like doing a reboot. You are not going to believe this, it did not work. I did find some paper work on the back of the oven. It had a fault list and it appears we have a bad door lock/latch., or something that works with it. Being the handy man that I am I will have the bride call the appliance repair guy and get him to come out . The stove still works so we will not have to eat raw food. I don’t mind some of my food raw but spaghetti is a little tough to chew.

I clean leaves out of the back yard yesterday. What a job, it took me the better part of the afternoon to get it mostly done. The bad thing is my trees still have most of their leaves and are waiting until I turn my back to drop them. The backyard tree can be evil like that. The tree I have in the front yard is a whole lot better. It turns a beautiful dark red in the fall and in just one day it drops everything. I can go out there and in one session I can be done. The back yard I will be working on until it snows and the leaves are covered.

The weather guessers say we may have some snow this evening. Snow this early does not last that long. It would be nice to have snow around thanksgiving. Mom is coming out and she loves the snow. Mom is 85 and she still lives alone. I have tired for years to get her to move up here. I don’t think she ever will, but I would love it if she did. I am off to wander around the house and look at stuff I should be doing.


Joyce Ellen Davis said...
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Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I'm glad you enjoyed looking at my pictures etc. I will be so nice to have your mother come for Thanksgiving! Where is she coming from? Two of my boys won't be coming for Thanksgiving or for Christmas--both have very small children and it's a long way to drive over bad roads if it snows. I pulled weeds and cleaned up around the front yard yesterday, and my back is stiff and sore today! And I'm not half done yet. Maybe I should just wait for the snow to cover it all up? :) I enjoyed reading your blog! Come visit again!

Kenny said...


Mom is coming from San Diego. She has lived in the same house for 49 years.

Snow covers a mulitude of sins. The weeds will be there in the spring

Firehand said...

Oh yeah, lots of leaves. The trees around my back yard will drop leaves for at least a month before they're all down. It'll fill both compost heaps and I'll have to bag a bunch, too.