Saturday, November 25, 2006

I am preparing to go back to work on Monday, I have been off for two weeks. Part of the time I was in the hospital and on sick leave the rest of the time I was on vacation visiting with my mom. Mom will be here until next Wednesday.

I have a few concerns and thoughts going through my head on going back to work. My job requires me to travel. I was supposed to be on the road this Monday and I have two other trips that are coming up in about a three week period. I am not going on any of them. The fact I threw some more blood clots is not conducive to me climbing on airplanes. I could walk into work Monday and apply for a medical retirement. I have said that if I had one more medical incident I would pull the plug and leave. I don’t want to go back to work but I am not sure that we could swing it right now if I retired. If I stay I have only 15 months until I am eligible for a full retirement.

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