Monday, October 09, 2006

I went to Cabela’s yesterday. For those who don’t know what Cabela’s is it is the outdoor sportsmen’s Mecca. These folks have everything. I was able to hold and fondle at beautiful gold inlaid bolt action rifle valued at $24000. This gun was behind glass in a cabinet in the “Gun Library”. I figured if they didn’t want me to hold the gun they should have locked the cabinet. An employee of the store asked me if I needed help and I told him “no”. I was just looking. We joked about how I could justify the gun to my bride. I could not figure anything so I put the gun back in the cabinet. Now I will be honest in telling you the only thing I have ever bought at Cabel’s is a $5.00 tee shirt. I find all of there stuff in over priced. It is a fun place to walk around and look but I keep my money in my pocket

It looks like North Korea has tested their nuclear bomb. I do not see this as a good thing. The little wacko that runs the country is out of control. I wonder how long it will be until he sells nukes to Islamic nut cases.

Our military is spread to thin, I do support our troops and I do support the war, but I thought we should have finished in Afghanistan before we moved on to Iraq. We have a government in Iraq; they have their own police and army, let’s turn it over and get our boys home. I am not talking about cut and run, I am talking about it is time to move on.

This war on terror will last decades and I would like to see it fought on one front at a time. That is my two cents on the subject.

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