Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oh my, I ended up getting a root cannel to morning. I left from work with my tooth throbbing, got to the dentist and the numbing shot was wonderful. I felt nothing through out the whole ordeal. Went back to work (my boss said she was amazed that I came back after a Root cannel) I have some stuff that is on a very short suspense and I was feeling no pain. About a half hour ago the shot wore off and I am feeling a lot of pain. I punched out and came home. I took some pills and should be feeling better here shortly. Man do I hurt.


Anonymous said...

While you were getting your root canal, I was getting a crown put in!
Welcome to Lq and thanks for joining in.

BobG said...

Guess you won't be eating any thick steaks for a few days.

Kenny said...

You are right about that. Face is still sore