Friday, August 25, 2006

My weekend started this morning with the dogs deciding that I was no longer tired. That is okay I had to get up to get my coffee anyway. The bride and I both work a compressed workweek. We work 9 hours a day Monday through Thursday and 8 hours every other Friday. That adds up to 80 hours in a pay period. So every other Friday is a day off. We love this arrangement. This is also payday, and we tend to run around and take care of errands.

I have been calculating what my retirement will be when I decide to pull the plug, the numbers look pretty good I have 18 months until I am eligible. 36 months until the house is paid off. Talking with some people that have retired already and they claim everyday is like Saturday. How cool is that?

My daughter and her husband had to run down to Salt Lake City last night; they were buying a used car from private party. So the bride and I had to care for the new granddaughter. Oh my, she was a fussy little thing last night. I had forgotten how much a little bundle of joy could cry. Ava is about 9 weeks old and crying is the only way that she can express herself. No one will ever have to wonder what this child is thinking. She can express herself. But it was fun. The bride would get her all calmed down and hand her off to me. I would hold her until she started to express herself then hand her back to grandma. I like this arrangement.

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