Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Massacre at Virginia Tech University, 32 dead for no other reason then some whacked out man decided to kill. It is a shame beyond belief.

The anti gunners have already started to raise their battle cry. “No Guns, guns are evil” I have even heard it is time to repeal the second amendment. What I saw in this tragedy was a microcosm of an unarmed society. Nobody at the school was allowed the chance to defend themselves. The University trumped state laws buy not allowing concealed permit holders to bring their weapons on campus. They violated their constitutional rights. They became no more then sheep herded into a slaughter house to be killed.

The crazed gunman did buy the guns legally. It has been reported that he ground off the serial numbers making the guns illegal, making him guilty of a felony. So because of the guns used in the crime the anti gunners want to repel the second amendment.

"University gunman left violent writings". It has been reported that the writing were so disturbing, hateful, and violent that the gun man had to go to counseling. Possibly the first amendment should be put on the chopping block. Why somebody should be allowed to foster and compound hatful thoughts that they may or may not act on. First amendment has got to go.

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