Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I can live with this

Eating More Chocolate May Be Better for Your Health

CHICAGO — Leave it to the Dutch to help demonstrate the health benefits of chocolate. A study of older men in The Netherlands, known for its luscious chocolate, indicated those who ate the equivalent of one-third of a chocolate bar every day had lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of death.

I may have left off the part of the article that says eating to much chocolate will make you fat (in my case fatter) and is a health risk. I believe I will take this article like a lot of self help books. Just grab a few nuggets of wisdom and toss the rest away.


Mike W said...

Does the article say how large a bar they used?

Kenny said...

No they did not say, or if they did I am sure that is part of the artical I will throw out. I am guess I willstart with the 1 pound bar and go up from there.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!