Saturday, April 15, 2006

Okay here is the deal. My buddy Nate at has tag me in some sort of blog game that I really don't have a complete grasp of. But I am suppose to answer the question below (which I have done) and tag four other folks. I managed to tag two and I am very proud of myself. Dave and Mike, sorry guys but you are the only ones I could think of. I guess at this point you cut and paste the question on your blog and tag four others. Not sure where this goes but Nate caught me at a weak moment.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
Sheetmetal mechanic
Aircraft launch and recovery mechanic (catapults on air craft carriers)
Technical Content manager for the F-16 Nonnuclear munitions loading manual

Four movies I could watch over and over:
Red Dawn
The man who shot liberty Valance
Young Guns

Four websites I visit regularly:

Four of my favorite foods:
Fried chicken
Bacon cheese burger

Four most wonderful places I've been:
Venice Italy
Washington DC
New York city
My buddies farm in Felton PA
The foot of the Cross (This should be first)

Four songs I could listen to every day:
Norwegian wood (Beatles)
angry American (Toby Keith)
Beer for my horses (Toby Keith and Willie Nelson)
When I was young ( The Animals)

Four people I'm tagging:


1 comment:

Nate said...

There, that wasn't so hard now, was it? I'm going to have to schol you on adding links, I suppose...