Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It appears to me that the government is looking at the illegal immigration as one huge problem. This approach is the wrong way to handle the problem. Instead of guest worker, amnesty, free health care, and authorization form more border patrol agents (but no money to pay them) our elected officials should take the issue one step at a time. If a town is flooded in a storm what is the first thing you do? Stop the flow of water, then you being to rebuild. If there is a house fire, what is the first thing you do? Put the fire out, then you start to rebuild. If a building is infested with termites what is the first thing you do? Destroy the termite colony then repair the building. If your country is being invaded by millions of illegal aliens what is the first thing you do? Secure the borders stop the flow and then you start to rebuild the country.

1 comment:

Mike W said...

I agree that the flow needs to be stopped. The problem is two-fold - having politicians with backbone to want to truly stop the flow (the Senate and Congress will - as usual - water down any legislation that would have a chance at stopping the flow, and law enforcement will not be funded to do the task. As to the protests taking place in the country of origin of the illegals - that's a laugh. Most of these countries want their citizens to come here. Helps their economy when the $$$ flow home.