Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Been awhile since I had anything to say, life has been somewhat emotional lately. It looked like I was going to have to put mom is an assisted living facility. Tension in the house was off the scale. We took mom to a new doctor that specializes in the elderly and she put mom on an additionally medication that has done wonders so far.

I have a lawyer working on making me mom’s guardian, and conservator. This is a necessary step. I have talked with my sister and she thinks this is for the best. Sometimes life is not fun.

I blogged about my son’s in laws losing their son just before Christmas, his daughter, their granddaughter fell off the kitchen counter last night and they had to use life flight to transport her to primary children’s hospital today. She has a concussion, cracked skull, and had internal bleeding in the brain. The last report I had was the child was doing well and the bleeding had stopped. Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts.


BobG said...

Best of luck and good wishes to both the little girl and your mother.

Kenny said...

thanks bob

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Pat McIntyre said...

Ken, My family also just put my dad into an assisted living facility. His last little stroke zapped him of his strength and he can't trasfer himself out of his wheelchair anymore. I know the heartache you feel. Dad was very upset initially but now has found friends with whom to share his 'stories' with. He seems to be taking it in stride and even comments on the quality of the care. I will keep your family in prayer for comfort.