Thursday, April 16, 2009

I attended one of the many Tax day Tea Parties held around the nation. The crowd in Salt Lake City was about a 1000 strong. The protesters were polite and well behaved. A lot of the signs were directed at Obama but many were bi partisan as was mine. The government is out of control in its spending and the folks in congress are more interested in staying in power then doing what is good for the country. The turn out across the nation was incredible but you are hard pressed to find it mentioned by the main stream media. It seems that the average citizen is dismissed by media giants ABC, NBC, and CBS. The only full coverage was done by FOX news.

If you watched FOX would have seen 15000-20000 protesters in Texas, 1000’s in New York City, Boston, and cities all across the nation. The speakers asked that we keep the movement alive by burn up the lines to the White House and congress, to use our e mail and blogs to keep information moving. There is a good chance that you will see more of a political slant in my blog, and I will try to keep in bi partisan. If you sit back and take a long hard look at both parties they both are working towards big government and take more control in our daily lives Both parties have spent us into debt, both parties waste money on pork. Both parties have to wake up and listen to the people. After all it is We the People. BTW President Obama said he was not aware of the protest. Maybe he should look out his window.

I took about 80 pictures but I am only going to post a few.
Above is a shot of the crowd.

Yep that is me.

My buddies, I took this just as the protesters were starting to assemble. The middle guy is my buddy Nate from Wasted Electrons.

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