Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I got home from work yesterday and my neighbor had removed all the snow off my travel trailer. The trailer sits on the north side of my house in the shadow of the garage. The snow does not melt in this location. There was close to four feet of snow on the trailer and we are expecting a little more tonight. Not only did he remove the snow from the trailer, he cut a path through his yard so I could get into the trailer to check for damage. The only damage we could find was to the air conditioner cover. It was broke in a couple of places. Made some temporary repairs and I figure to replace it sometime this spring.

I am ready for spring this year. If only so my mom can get out of the house into the back yard and do stuff. It has been much to cold and the snow has been much too deep this year to do much of anything outside.

1 comment:

BobG said...

I've got cabin fever pretty bad myself; I'll be glad for spring, when/if it comes.