Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mom is in the rehab facility and seems to be adjusting. The facility is very nice and the staff is very attentive to mom's needs. I am leaving in few minutes to see how she is doing. The surgeon told us before the surgery that 40% of people in mom's demographics pass away within 4 months the surgery. I guess that is still better then a 50/50 odds. It sucks to get old.


BobG said...

How is she doing now? I know broken hips are quite serious in anyone over 70.

Kenny said...

Mom is doing better sill a lot of pain and she can not stand by herself, or walk at all. but she seems to be getting stronger everyday

BobG said...

My best wishes for her recovery; it's difficult watching a close family member going through that sort of thing; I know from experience.