Monday, September 11, 2006

It has been 5 years since the attack on America. 5 years since the largest mass murder in our countries history. The networks were running unedited tapes last night, from that day. I had overwhelming emotions, same as I did 5 years ago. My emotions from that day have never gone to far away. They have just gone underground in a manner of speaking. In the building I work in there are a number of air force officers from varying countries. A few come from Jordan, Egypt, Oman, Turkey, and Pakistan. Every time I look at these guys I wonder if they are really allies or would they turn on us. I have developed a deep seated caution with these folks. A general distrust anything Muslim. I can not get past the viciousness and cruelty these people have. Do to our porous borders I have to believe that we have sleeper cells living among us.

Last night was the ground breaking ceremony for our church building. The ground breaking was done by the children in the church. It was very nice as about 30 little ones all wearing hard hats and been given little shovels turned the dirt to start the building. So here we have our children the hope of America taking part in a building up our wonderful country on the eve of the anniversary of the worst attack on our country. It seems some what ironic. We had our first meeting of our little church 5 years ago on the 9th of September and just two days later we changed forever. I have driven home for lunch and It did my heart good to see the streets lined with American flags. It looks like it did the days following 9-11. Flags were everywhere. GOD BLESS AMERICA

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