Sunday, July 31, 2011


Been a while since I have posted, No reason just haven’t had much to say. I have been working very hard on the wood pile in the back yard. I have decided that I will have split and stacked before fall. I know it is a lofty goal but since my buddy Nate went got a job we don’t go fishing that much. I told him he was going to ruin a good thing, and he did. Way to go buddy!

I have had a very hard time walking any distance at all without the help of walking sticks. If I try and walk my back tightens up and bends me over. The bride finally got me to go to the doctor’s the other day and he found that I have 3 crushed vertebras. We figured that it happened about 3 years ago when I rolled my ATV.

Thinking back that is about the time I started to have trouble with my back. I may be a little slow on the up take but I get things figure out sooner or later.
Mom is doing alright but she fell the other day and broke her nose. She is very bruised but none the worse for wear.

1 comment:

BobG said...

Sorry to hear about your mom; hope she recovers quickly.
I know how the back problems can be; I've got four bad discs, and this rainy weather has had me damn near crippled for the last couple of weeks.