Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In the world of bazaar I think this ranks pretty high. Yesterday my downstairs toilet erupted. I had left the house to take a friend to a doctor’s appointment. When I came home I found water and very small shredded pieces of toilet paper coating every surface of the bathroom. Thank God there was no fecal matter to be found. But this went at least four feet up the walls, all over the vanity, mirror, floors and had blown out into the hallway. I ran down to the basement and found everything was fine then ran up stairs to check the bathrooms up there and nothing was wrong. I flushed and the toilets and it seemed I was good to go (no pun intended). .

Before I left to help out my buddy I had notice a smell coming from the master bath shower drain. I figure maybe some bacteria had grown and I pour a good amount of bleach down the drain. Maybe the bleach reacted with the gas and the downstairs potty was the first place the pressure could release. Anyway I was told I could not put bleach in the drain anymore. I am glad I was not sitting on the pot when it blew. I am sure it would be embarrassing to explain what happened at the emergency room as they pick small pieces of embedded paper out of the backside. I am off to see what adventures await me today. Wish me luck.

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